Shatter me series order
Shatter me series order


We're meeting her real parents for the first time, which is HUGE, and we don't even get their hair color until the end? It was just so sloppy.Īlso, there were certain points where new information would be revealed and someone would ask a rhetorical question, and you could tell it only functioned so that readers could keep up with the story. Particularly in the reuniting scene and with Juliette’s biological parents, I think the writing veered toward dry and boring because it left out any unique descriptions that would make those scenes more vivid or meaningful. Both within each scene and throughout the entire book, if I didn’t have the characters’ faces and descriptions memorized, it’d be hard to even get a sense of what they were like. It just completely lacks any character or setting descriptions. There’s a difference between evolved writing and laziness. Shatter Me has been an iconic book for its metaphors and description and lush detailing, so it’s like this book is from another author completely. I think this is the part of the book that let me down the most. I understand he wouldn’t want to make a huge deal out of it, but his not knowing he’s supposed to have a ring is just… out of character? Especially when he’s able to chime off random facts about Tangled. I’m also trying to justify these criticisms against knowing that Warner isn’t one for theatrics. I wish that their engagement could be attached to somewhere that’s sentimental for them rather than just a tent in the middle of nowhere.


Also, I know that Warner says he considers their residence in 241 a new beginning free from obligation and the beginning of a new life, but it’s such an unceremonious, boring place. Warner being worried they won’t survive is just kind of bullshit because….

shatter me series order

I think mostly, it’s knowing Tahereh said that she’s not killing off Warner or Juliette that makes it so anti-climactic. I understand the “we don’t know we have tomorrow, so I want to be together now.” But….

shatter me series order

I wanted her to demand an apology and them to have a long discussion about what went wrong instead of them collapsing into each others’ arms crying melodramatically and then her apologizing and them being like NOTHING IS WRONG WITH OUR LOVE AND OUR PAST IS THE PAST AND WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOREVER! I wanted Juliette to continue being angry with him. blah! Again, I felt like a bunch of development from Restore Me just got dumped down a drain. In Restore Me, Kenji very accurately stated something like, "You have to talk and figure out your shit before your relationship can be okay," but the second warnette made eye contact in this book, their relationship was perfect all over again with zero discussion except "no more lies" which like. I wanted them to solve their shit instead of pretending like everything will be perfect until the end of time. Juliette did NOTHING wrong in Restore Me except not communicate with him, but she blamed herself for everything and Warner didn’t even think to, I don’t know, APOLOGIZE BACK‼ Warner was literally the one in the wrong but Juliette was the one apologizing profusely. More than the dramatic cheesy dialogue and Juliette breaking out into cliche sobs, I LOATHE how she was the one apologizing to him. I just really was not digging this writing at ALL. There was no description of the desperation of the two or how each other looked it was all Juliette’s cliche crying and apologies, and blanket statements like “he’s alive” and “he’s intact." Since we’ve known for 300 pages that Warner is fine, it’s really anticlimactic for Juliette to be like omg he’s alive!! Like yeah, we know. Every single line of it was so annoying, and nothing about them reuniting was unique.


Like, Lifetime Movie Network called and they want their script back.

shatter me series order

The reunions sucked because the stakes felt so low and I never felt any adrenaline or excitement about their reunion. There’s really no way for me to jump into this other than chronologically, so here we go. The difference is, whereas all the other Shatter Me books’ good parts outweighs any bad that exists, this book had so many terrible scenes and lines of dialogue that were not be redeemed by the sparse action and melodramatic romance scenes. This review is going to sound really negative, but truthfully, I think this book has equal parts good and bad. I just was more prepared that it wasn't going to be what I was hoping. I didn't find myself as upset by this as I was the first time(s) I read it, but I don't think the book got any better. This book's two halves are competing to be the worst half: the first half is SO boring and over-explained with no plot points, and the second half is the characters calling themselves by new names with cliche and annoying dialogue. Definitely not 4 or 5 stars, but I don't know if I could go lower.

Shatter me series order