The game's wiring mechanic was inspired by Minecraft's redstone mechanics and MechComp in Space Station 13. The game's art style is said to be inspired by Link-Dead, a 2D side-scrolling shooter which had also been in development for a while before being presumed dead. The idea of having lovecraftian monsters be the main threat in the game most likely also inspired the enemies in Barotrauma as well. Several developers have attempted to make an actual game based on the concept, but so far none of them have been completed. The lab is then attacked by underwater sea creatures and it is then up to the player to try and escape the lab. The game woud've taken place in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean inside a research lab. Pressure is a game concept that originated from 4chan's video game board /v/. The horror aspects and underwater setting of the game were inspired by Pressure. The resource management aspects of the game were inspired by Space Station 13, and may have intentionally given Regalis the idea to make the game two dimensional rather than 3D. Barotrauma draws inspiration from several different sources. He would later begin working on an entirely new game which deviated greatly from his previous works.
Barotrauma game creatures how to#
You may also be interested in our other Gamer Journalist content, such as how to get ship blueprints in Lost Ark, or all extraction points on Lighthouse in Escape From Tarkov.After the success of Joonas ("Regalis") Rikkonen's SCP - Containment Breach, he was encouraged to begin pursuing a career in game design and to start his own company, Undertow Games. You can head on over to our Facebook page to keep up with the latest video game content. Make sure they are fed! Listen out for sound cues to tell whether they are hungry or unhappy. Petraptor – Pet Food, Strange Eggs, all corpses.Cthulhu – Pet Food, Pomegrenade, Raptor Bane, Mutated Pomegrenade, Mutated Raptor Bane, Saline, Ethanol, Human Corpse.Orange Boy – Pet Food, Pomegrenade, Raptor Bane, Mutated Pomegrenade, Mutated Raptor Bane, Saline, Aluminium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Tin, Titanium, Steel Bar, Titanium-Aluminium Alloy, Human Corpse.Psilotoad – Pet Food, Pomegrenade, Raptor Bane, Mutated Pomegrenade, Mutated Raptor Bane, Saline, Ethanol, Human Corpse.